Pale and dry comb

Thank you so much. My husband told me today that she smelled really bad, even after the bath. We lost a chicken last summer and he said she smells like the one that passed. I don’t even know how to take that🥹
Oh no, maybe she has an infection or something. :(
Tube feeding is a lot easier than most people believe. Remove the mystifying elements by explaining precisely how to do it, and most find it's easier than they thought.

The hardest part is finding the supplies. I got some oxygen tubing from a friend, actually half my friends use oxygen, being old like me. And a fat syringe that will fit into the end of a nine inch piece of plastic tube. Or you can ask a vet to sell you a tube feeding kit. I got one from my vet for $3. Mixing up the liquid food is very easy or you can buy baby bird formula from any pet store.

Then I can give you very simple instructions how to do it. It's especially easy when taking care of a sick chicken as food and medicine can all go into the syringe. About three minutes and you're done feeding.
That’s awesome, thank you🙏🏼
I have a hen currently that is in the same condition. She's one of the oldest in the flock, maybe eight or nine, and has been slowing down over a long period. But I've been trying all of the basic measures just in case it's something she can recover from. First it was a yeasty crop, then she refused to eat. I treated those, and nothing has made a difference. I'm now giving her an antibiotic, but I have the feeling that she's in general organ failure and nothing will make a difference.

I suggest you try the tube feeding on the chance that it can help turn your hen around. At least then if it doesn't help, you will have the comfort of knowing you tried everything. Get the tube and syringe and I'll give you easy instructions how to go about tubing your first time.
I have a hen currently that is in the same condition. She's one of the oldest in the flock, maybe eight or nine, and has been slowing down over a long period. But I've been trying all of the basic measures just in case it's something she can recover from. First it was a yeasty crop, then she refused to eat. I treated those, and nothing has made a difference. I'm now giving her an antibiotic, but I have the feeling that she's in general organ failure and nothing will make a difference.

I suggest you try the tube feeding on the chance that it can help turn your hen around. At least then if it doesn't help, you will have the comfort of knowing you tried everything. Get the tube and syringe and I'll give you easy instructions how to go about tubing your first time.
Thank you. We live in the mountains and supply options are limited. I will see if any vets have the feeding kits. I’m so sorry about your hen😞 I didn’t know hens can live that long!
Hi. My 2.5 year old hen is ill but I can’t figure it out. She’s slow, lethargic and won’t eat. I see her drinking water though. Her comb is not the usual bright red and it looks dry. She has poop stuck to her butt feathers and some white drippings. Her vent looks good. I see her drinking water though. We have isolated her and I will give her nutrí drench I’m the morning. Any advice is greatly appreciated. I’m still new at this and I just want to help her😞 Thank you
Epsom salt bath revived my chicken that was like that!

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