pale comb and stumbling

Great! I think it is Vent Gleet too.

Fill up a tub or wash basin with some warm water. She may or may not sit down in the water, I find that many hens will sit down because the water is warm. The soaking helps to loosen up the dirt so as to clean all the yeast and bacteria's that might be on the feathers, vent and surrounding skin. I would also cut off some of her feathers below her vent too so this gunk doesn't build up as easy. Trim them to a 1/2 inch or so. Hold her in the water if you have too, you can add a bit if dawn dish soap if she is really nasty. When you have her all clean, get her out and you can use a blow drier on her to get her dry.

When she is dry, you can use some vaginal cream, if you have any, and rub plenty into the skin around the vent and just inside the vent too. This will help to cure the yeast infection. Do this every day after you bath her butt. 

Put 2 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar in a gallon of water or 1+ teaspoons of ACV in a quart waterer. Fill these with water. The AVC will help to raise the PH of her system and help to stop further yeast from growing. 

If you have any plain yogurt or probiotics, add these to her diet or feed or on some special food she will eat. Do this daily. Probiotics consume yeasts and provide a health environment in her system to stop all yeast infections.

So....keep her butt clean with a once a day bath. Apply vaginal cream to her vent, area around the vent and you can also go into her vent aways if you want to. Use ACV in her water (change and make a new batch daily) offer up yogurt, powdered probiotics or some sort of cultured milk product daily. You can put these things in chopped hard boiled eggs, on bread or what ever her favorite food is. 

Do all this daily for a couple of weeks. You should start to see improvement in a few days and probably can stop the bathing in a few days. Only bathe her when her butt is really messy. But keep applying the ointments and offering up the other stuff for a few weeks.

And keep us posted!! I sure hope this helps!! :)

Thanks! She seemed to quite enjoy it. I have got some organic worming pellets that replace food for 3 days also, so will try those. Yer poo is looking harder than before. She is drying herself in the sun at the moment.
It is hard to say if she does have worms, but it never hurts to worm her anyway. That poop doesn't horribly awful.

Keep up the program here and she should start to respond in a few days. Don't offer up many treats during this time. She needs to stay as healthy as possible an on her chicken feed.

Give her all the lovin' too. And keep us posted here. I sure hope this does the trick and she makes a full recovery!! :)
my 2year old hen (hybrid) has recently been falling over. I took her aside for some tlc and her comb is getting pinker, but she tried to run for some treats today and fell on her side, and couldn't seem to get up. What could be wrong. She seemed to be on the mend otherwise..
I recently lost a hen that acted the same way. Turns out she had chicken lice and I didn't realize it until it was too late. I read up on it and she became anemic due to the problem. Just a thought.
I recently lost a hen that acted the same way. Turns out she had chicken lice and I didn't realize it until it was too late. I read up on it and she became anemic due to the problem. Just a thought.

I will read up- thanks. Any measures that are preventative that can be combined i will try

her bottom post bath #1
Looks good. I would trim some of the feathers beneath her vent. You don't have to go crazy but a few of them trimmed might keep her cleaner and let you get in there with the vaginal cream.

Keep up the good work!

And on the lice front, definitely keep your eyes open for any tiny livestock! They can kill a chicken quick.
Great advice @TwoCrows , I learned things to watch for with my girls just reading this.

@TheRoyals , please keep us posted on how Camilla does with the treatment. Best wishes for her good health!

this is her poo today. Still lots of liquid but not as bad as it has some solid parts.
her breast bone feels very thin, i think she has lost a fair bit of weight . Her comb is like this today

pinker than it has been but still pale.
she is eating and drinking
She may have both going on here...a yeast infection along with a bad case of worms. I would do both treatments on her. And definitely keep the yogurt/cultured milk or proboitics products going through her. Worming can be hard on the intestines along with a yeast infection. The probiotics will help to keep the tract in better shape and easy any discomfort she may be having with all this going on.

Combs do get pale and flop over when the bird doesn't feel well. When she starts to recuperate, her comb will brighten and stand back upright.

This may take a couple of weeks, so keep up the program and watch her closely. And Keep us posted! :)

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