Pale comb


In the Brooder
Feb 12, 2015
Pine Valley, CA
besides mites, and worms what else can cause a pale comb? I recently treated my 4 laying hens for mites and also dewormed. They are eating and drinking as normal. Up until last week they were laying 3-4 eggs a day total now I'm getting between 2-3 a day. They are under a year and 1st started laying in dec. 2014.
Molting, reproductive or other health issues, weather changes, vitamin or mineral deficiencies, location changes, changing from one feed to another can cause pale combs. I suspect they are just taking a break and egg production should pick up eventually.
Molting, reproductive or other health issues, weather changes, vitamin or mineral deficiencies, location changes, changing from one feed to another can cause pale combs. I suspect they are just taking a break and egg production should pick up eventually.

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