Pale legs- Welsummer Roo


11 Years
Mar 30, 2008
Springfield, OR
I have a gorgeous young Wellie cockeral that I'd like to use for breeding. He came from MotherGoose's eggs.

I'm worried about his legs though, they're quite pale compared to the other Welsummer roo I have. Almost white.

Anyone know if that's no big deal that pops up every once in a while, or if I shouldn't allow him to breed?

The other roo is perfect (as far as my untrained eye can tell) he's just kind of a butthead, and super wild. The pale legged roo is SO sweet.

I'd really rather keep the nice one.

White shanks and feet is a dominant trait so he will produce young that have white shanks and feet. The color of the shanks is dependent upon skin color. To test for his skin color (white or yellow) take the comb between two fingers and gently squeeze the comb. Hold the pressure for about 30 seconds until the blood stops flowing into the area between your fingers. When you release your fingers, look at the color of the comb where your fingers were applying the pressure . If the area is yellow he has yellow skin if the area is white he has white skin. If the skin is yellow, you can use him for breeding.

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