Pallet Coop Add-on...Almost Done (1-25-09)

I totally scored some double sized pallets today...they are a little widr than the normal pallet...but twice as long...WooHoo, those are gonna be great rafters t support my roof.

I wont be able to work on it again until Sunday...I am heading down to the Florida Swap meet in Gainsville Saturday...But I will take pics of my progress on Sunday.
rays123...thanks for the concern. I make sure to get permission from the builders before diving in. Cant risk my Air Force career for some scraps.

Thank you all for your comments. I will keep the pics coming.

your welcome i just wanted to make sure you didnt end up like me havin to tear down half of a box stand just bc some jerk builder had to call the cops to have his 1 piece of scrap OSB back and then he threw it away afterwards
Watch the dumpster for that blue foam insulation . It's very easy to work with and sometimes they throw away nearly whole sheets . did my entire garage with it . I was even able to put three layers .
So...finally got back to work on the coop today. I had a busy weekend going to the chicken swap meet at Kelly's...and then caught a horrible cold!!!

DW will be mad that I worked on it today...still kinda sick, but got tired of being COOPED up....bawhahahaha
lau.gif are the new pics.

Wall in place and roof pallets started...




Those extra large pallets I found are great for the roof. I even have enough to give a nice overhang for rainy days
needmorechickens! :

I like it!
Now get inside and eat soup!
Hope you are feeling better.

Thanks... and soup is exactly what I had for dinner. I am feeling better.
Well I managed to get a little done today. I put the front walls up and the header beam across the roof line. Also started to fill in the area of the roof that was left open.

Front view...roof line is coming together

One of the coops...the opening will be a big door for easy cleaning and egg recovery

Another of the coops

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