Pancakes clutch has hatched :D 6 and counting. momma is brooding them to! now + video adorableness


Nov 9, 2020
a fun morning so far. i wake up to mom yelling about the eggs are hatched and her waving her phone and the spy cam app under my nose.

we watch them for a minute and then other of the other hens grabbed one and tried to croc thrash it :/

lost one to the them but i got momma and the others in a bin in my room waiting for the other eggs to hatch now. 6 so far and one egg was majorly cracked so one more on the way. like 5 more eggs if they all pop?




to cute, and shes doing such a good job. i kinda thought she might abandon them once they hatched but shes brooding them and everything. even with the move! im going to wait till the others hatch before i move them to vanilla beans house, shes been put back outside for now sadly i needed a spot. got a go pro on them right now recording her and them. ill post video of her later ^_^

look to all be little pharaohs, odd given mom and dad are white. someone was stealing eggs. there was one yellow hatch but shes the one who died. maybe momma kicked her out because she didnt look right? well see how the others look and how she treats them.
cool thing iv already noticed here. theres so quiet! i hear little peeps and momma squeaking back at them but none of the yelling baby coturnix quail tend to do. ill get to sleep though the night! no screaming babies. thoughts on how long i should leave mom with them? a few weeks at least but im not sure how to handle momma actually caring for them

Shes still sitting on 5 unhatched Eggs. Hoping they make it I candled two while she was off the nest and there solid so something is in There. Maybe tonight. 7 currently toddling around

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