

In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 30, 2008
I am new to raising chickens. Our Rhode Island Reds are now two weeks old. My husband is getting ready to begin building the chicken coop. My main concern at this point is worrying about them contracting lice. We plan on designing a fully enclosed run which will also be set in our backyard which has a privacy fence. If my chickens do not come in direct contact with birds are we okay?
Yeah, you will be fine as long as they don't come in contact with wild birds and you make sure the chicks you get are hatched in an incubator, and any new additions are lice free. However, fully enclosed might not be as fun for the chickens as they love to run around outside. Lice can be controlled if you get it and they are species specific so you never have to worry about getting them yourself. Just make sure the enclosed run is well ventilated. If you are enclosing with wire, make sure that you use hardware cloth with less than one inch holes as I've seen those tiny finches (if you have them) go right though 1 inch wire!
Thank you for the useful information. I want to let them into the yard to free range. I'll just need to get over my paranoia. Being a first time chicken mom has got me a little nerve recked! LOL!!

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