Parental sacrifices

A.T. Hagan

Don't Panic
12 Years
Aug 13, 2007
North/Central Florida
The wife and I have been struggling to get the Kinder Major onto the straight A list for the last two years. She'd come close with all A's but for one B quarter after quarter. One day over lunch we were talking about her grade strategy and she was complaining that I never let them have Spaghetti-O's for lunch. She and her sister love the things and I can't abide them. So in a moment of frustration I told her that if she could close the gap on her B grade not only would I buy them Spaghetti-O's for lunch I would happily eat them with her!

Well, today she finally made it. Straight A's and in the top five for her entire grade in reading. So this Saturday I'll take her to the grocery to pick out our lunch. I hate Spaghetti-O's but I made her a bargain and now that she's kept her end I'll keep mine.

And you know what? They'll be delicious!
Spaghettios are my favorite when I think about being a kid at my grandparents house. They felt that Spaghettios and Chickn in a Biskit crackers were the perfect lunch.

I love SpagettiOs with meatballs and yep, Terrie, those Chicken Buscuit crackers are gooooooood! I used to remember eating the whole box at one time at one sitting when i was younger! Several of my aunts tried to make one just like it but failed.
A.T. Hagan :

The wife and I have been struggling to get the Kinder Major onto the straight A list for the last two years. She'd come close with all A's but for one B quarter after quarter. One day over lunch we were talking about her grade strategy and she was complaining that I never let them have Spaghetti-O's for lunch. She and her sister love the things and I can't abide them. So in a moment of frustration I told her that if she could close the gap on her B grade not only would I buy them Spaghetti-O's for lunch I would happily eat them with her!

Well, today she finally made it. Straight A's and in the top five for her entire grade in reading. So this Saturday I'll take her to the grocery to pick out our lunch. I hate Spaghetti-O's but I made her a bargain and now that she's kept her end I'll keep mine.

And you know what? They'll be delicious!

You are an awesome dad!!!
I hate Spaghetti O's too...but I would scorch my tongue on them while they are hot so I don't have to taste beyond the first bite!!
My brother used to eat them cold right out of the can.

My kids drank the vienna sausage juice after they finished the I'm just are disgusting and have no taste buds
My brother used to eat them cold right out of the can.

My kids drank the vienna sausage juice after they finished the I'm just are disgusting and have no taste buds

lololololololol ew!
Yes, she is. She's been talking about it ever since she realized she'd finally gotten over the top.

What the heck, a little chipotle and everything will be fine.

God only knows what it's going to take to keep her motivated for next year. I suspect it's going to involve feathers...

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