Parrot Beak Aseel (PBA)

Hi there, have anyone from BYC breeding this type of aseel.
I just got their chicks from India and want to breed them at my farm in Malaysia.
Below are the specification of this breed :

Name of Breed : Parrot Beak Long Tail Aseel
Origin : India
Weight : 5-8 kgs (male), 4-6 kgs (female)
Special Appearance : Parrot beak shape, straight long tail up to 2-3 feet, large strawberry comb and massive body weight.

These are some photos from Mr Google showing PBA:

** For photos owner : Sorry for using your photos but this is not for making prophit, just sharing our marvelous pets to others.

Anizam Agro Farm
+6012 524 5002
Hai anizam agro farm
I am Senthil kumar from pollachi, Coimbatore district, tamilnadu, southern India. You post first two photos are mine. That two aseel cock is my home breed sir. Thank you for posting this website published my bird thank you anizam brother.


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Hi there, have anyone from BYC breeding this type of aseel.
I just got their chicks from India and want to breed them at my farm in Malaysia.
Below are the specification of this breed :

Name of Breed : Parrot Beak Long Tail Aseel
Origin : India
Weight : 5-8 kgs (male), 4-6 kgs (female)
Special Appearance : Parrot beak shape, straight long tail up to 2-3 feet, large strawberry comb and massive body weight.

These are some photos from Mr Google showing PBA:

** For photos owner : Sorry for using your photos but this is not for making prophit, just sharing our marvelous pets to others.

Anizam Agro Farm
+6012 524 5002
Hai anizam brother....
This first two cocks is mine. No problem using this website. I have same bloodline male and female Bigsize, small size .My name is Senthil kumar from pollachi, Coimbatore district, tamilnadu, southern India .My contact and whatsapp number is +91 9865144001. My website is
Member of the website
How do I get this beautiful breed to Texas, USA..?
Any information would be appreciated, thank you so much ...
Any updates on this breed getting to the US? I'm so interested in them, but there's so little information available, especially in english.

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