Partridge Cochin Roo, Roger needs a new home, pics added


11 Years
May 9, 2008
Clarkesville, GA
He is a gorgeous boy and would make a fine breeder. I just can't do the rooster thing in my in town location. We tried and though his crow is not very loud, the coop is too close to the property line.

Please help me find him a great home, Michelle

Oh, I am in North GA
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I know this doesn't help, but if I weren't in Ohio, I would totally give him a great home! I have one lonely partridge cochin hen right now and I'm looking to find her a mate!

Good luck with your search!

Can you post a pic? I love the partridge and I'm "collecting" a few bantams right now, I may be interested.

.....oh darn, I see you're 5 hours from me. As it happens, I'll be in Dalton GA some time this coming week. Any chance you ever go that direction?
Well, duh, I forgot to post the pics. He really is handsome and the pics don't really get the color right. I could be in Dalton, it is not really that far for the right home.

thanks, Michelle



Dang It! My pullet is standard, I wouldhave to get him a itty bitty chicken stepladder

I am looking for a few more bantams, Ihave a white cockerel that is lonely, just not sure I want another cockerel.

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