Partridge Silkies - Nothing else

Catch him, old him, bring him inside for an evening watching TV on your lap with lots of scritching and neck massages. Oh, and treats. Do this on a regular and frequent schedule and pretty soon he will literally be runnning up to you for attention.
Catch him, old him, bring him inside for an evening watching TV on your lap with lots of scritching and neck massages. Oh, and treats. Do this on a regular and frequent schedule and pretty soon he will literally be runnning up to you for attention.

Oh yes my birds all love TV time
I tried everything with my nasty rooster. For a month straight I was holding him constantly, sitting and watching TV at night with him. Kept him inside with me and just showered attention on him. Nothing worked. Every time he got a chance he would take a chunk out of me. I should have known; the day I bought him I lifted him up to my face (I cuddle all of my birds like that) and he promptly reached out and took a huge chunk out of my nose. It didn't stop bleeding for 2 days!!! I have tried having other people hold him and cuddle with him, but now he is too dangerous. He does everything in his power to get you and will not back off. He's worse than any RIR I ever had - and they can be nasty. I am convinced that not all animals can be gentled. I have worked with animals for the last 45 years and there have been a few (and very few I must say) that couldn't be changed.
This rooster would come at me and if he couldn't get me he would go after the hen that was in with him. It got so bad that I had to take her out today. She has been beat up really bad. He's like an abusive man. Not all of them can be changed. Someone told me that I should just sell him, but I don't know if I would feel right putting this on someone elses head. He throws beautiful babies - but.
I'm just speaking about my experience~~~I've noticed that birds with tendencies towards aggression & just bad personalities, can be passed onto their chicks just like other traits...thats why now---If a roo is aggressive towards me, I don't care how good he is---he's gone
You are right. It can be passed on, but it seems like he is a fluke. All of his parents and siblings are gentle as kittens. I do not know what happened to him. He needs a shrink.

I have been looking for any signs in his babies, but they all seem fine. They aren't even too many exhibiting normal teenage boy antics. I hate to kill him, but what else can I do? I can't keep him here any longer. I have a 2 yr. old granddaughter that loves to go into the chicken coop with Grandma and if she accidently got into his pen he would seriously hurt her. Anybody want him? I'll give him away.
Okay, the boy has exactly 1 week to find a home or he's done and buried. I wouldn't even want to use him for soup.
Which one you wanting to get rid of? Post a pic of him... I'm always in the market for a nice partridge.
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I do not have a recent picture of him. He has been in the breeding pen Since last December. You can take my word for it. He throws very nice babies. I will be at the Wisconsin Nationals and Crossroads with his babies from this year. These are pics of some of his kids. There are a few more pullets, but I haven't gotten decent pictures of them and they are better than these. Please excuse everyone, they have been out in the sun and dirt. All of these babies are between 3 & 1/2 and 4 & 1/2 months old. The last picture was taken about 3 wks. ago.






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Maybe rehomed another roo will put him in his place?

One can hope. Poor fella. Ours doesn't do anything to us... he even eats out of my hand. But he doesn't want to be caught. I think its a game. Once we pick him up he is fine. My son is 10 and was terrified of chickens when we first got them in March. Now he is the main person to care for all of them. If the roo ever tried to get him he would be scared again. Thankfully he and the roo are pretty good friends.

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