Partridge Silkies - Nothing else

All mine are either turquoise or have that white with the turquoise that can make them white with blue (this is an issue on boys with too big of earlobes)

The monster that passes himself off as a silkie has the turquoise bleeding through from his earlobes and onto his face. I'll work on that later in my quest for large silkies. We'll see if his giant son grows up to have it.

Haha! I just love all your projects. Your good and it shows thru your birds.
I just wanted to share some fun pictures just a piece of fabric abd some better lighting makes a huge difference!
So I was asked if I tie down the silkies to get the group photos. Of course I had to answer, "No. I use double sided duct tape. It sticks really well to the foot feathers."

It's just the calm temperament of most silkies combined with patience. Silkies are usually willing to stand still. They are also easy to teach to pose if you pay them in treats. Ashes will stand in whatever pose I put him in for up to 20 minutes. He knows that the longer it goes on, the more treats he gets.

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