Pasty Butt Help


Aug 2, 2018
Northern Louisiana
I have a week old guinea that has been having pasty butt. I have cleaned off a couple of times and it looks like its vent is swollen. New chick mama here. Help! Pictures attached. 20181022_190714.jpg 20181022_190656.jpg 20181022_190703.jpg 20181022_190709.jpg
It may have dried poop blocking the vent exit. Try to soak the vent in a cup of warm water to soften it, then clean it off.
You could try triple antibiotic ointment, in case it is getting infected. I don't know what else to do. I hope its ok!
Could be vent gleet. Very much like a woman yeast infection. It’s either fungal or bacterial in cause. You could use a feminine hygiene product. Some use athletic foot cream (fungal type of gleet). Does it smell yeasty?
Kinda like sour bread?

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