Pasty butt

Jul 11, 2017
My two-day-old baby chickens seems to have pasty butt this morning I noticed the poop was sticking on his butt so I took a warm washcloth and try to get off the poop with my fingernails and the warm washcloth I thought I did a good job but it still seems like it's dark and wonder if I should submerse it's butt in water or if it'll get too cold what do you think here is a video

I wouldn't run cold water on they hiney but I use room temperature soap and water in a spray bottle. They seem fine with that even though they have to sit and wait a few min for the poop to soak. I have to use my fingernails sometimes too since I don't like to pluck the poo away.
You can try 1TSP of ACV with the mother (must have the mother, it's the floaty stuff that has the probiotics), in 4 cups of water.
Take a syringe, and hold your baby chick while giving it a few drops of the mixture once or twice a day.

Is it proven to work? No... but I've noticed in mine that it does help. Now wether that is they're on the mend themselves from being kept clean, who knows. However, it can't hurt. ACV has great probiotics in it for any digestive issue.
Thank you so far for your responses I had to clean her three times I cleaned her cage I check the water and change the water frequently and right now I think her but no I'm looking at it right now and it's still kind of darkish so I don't think she's getting better it just is continuous I don't know what her deal is

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