Paws and Claws (RP) Roleplay

(And guys seriously, when you have a crush on someone then think it do they just walk over and say lets get a sandwich or something? (Unless they are close.) And I when you really like someone you don't give up even when it seems hopeless)
(I'm not sure what page I posted it on, cause the first time he was rejected cause I screwed the form up, and srry I wa just wondering hy my bff's character was rejected. Anyway, I'll try to find where I posted his form, but it might take awhile, lol.;))
"You did it didnt you" Lexi said

"Did what?" She asked confused

(I'm not sure what page I posted it on, cause the first time he was rejected cause I screwed the form up, and srry I wa just wondering hy my bff's character was rejected. Anyway, I'll try to find where I posted his form, but it might take awhile, lol.;))

(It wss accepted on pg.5) 41 and posted on pg.40.)
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Name: Jason
Age: 17
Gender: male
Cat or dog name? Doesn't have one.
Crush: tbr
Boy/girlfriend: to be rp'd
Spouse: n/a
History: tbr
Appearance: tall, lean and well muscled. Shaggy black hair and peircing silvery gray eyes. Handsome in a rogueish way. Wears dark wash jeans and dark t shirts ith funny sayings on them.

(Where is the personality slot?)

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