Paws & Claws ~A Wolf RP~

This was progress…. “That’s good,” she said trying not to get her hopes up to high, “I will be careful thank you.” She turned and slowly walked away, but thought… maybe I’ll visit again Tommorow, yes.
Cody nodded, his blue eyes still watching her, but not so much out of distrust anymore. As soon as she turned and began walking away, he jumped down and staring at the river's moving waters.
Mac followed Vortex's scent for practice. He wanted to become a better hunter, so he did his best, tracking the Alpha.
*eagle huffed as he was called by his mom. He didn't want to head in yet, wanting to stay up late.*

*esper soon lifted herself from the sand hill she was laying on. Hunger gnawed her insides, so she went to see if she could find food.*

*vortex stopped at the edge of a clearing. Crouching low as other members of the hunting party circled around. He would chase one of the deer in the clearing I to an ambush.*
May I join?

1 year
Dune Pack
mid rank
Playful, hyper, not cautious
Physical Description:
light grey, brown eyes, average size
*vortex stopped at the edge of a clearing. Crouching low as other members of the hunting party circled around. He would chase one of the deer in the clearing I to an ambush.*
Mac saw Vortex's movements, so he stopped tracking him and stepped into action. He moved silently to the left until he was in the leading position for the ambush. He crouched low, checked in with the other wolves who were with him, then waited for Vortex to make the first move.
Mac saw Vortex's movements, so he stopped tracking him and stepped into action. He moved silently to the left until he was in the leading position for the ambush. He crouched low, checked in with the other wolves who were with him, then waited for Vortex to make the first move.
*vortex scanned the herd. Looking for a good one to take. He spotted one not to far off and crawled toward it, wanting to get as close as possible before starting the chase. The wind changed just as he was about to jump out and sent the herd running. He was soon hot on the heels of his target, scaring it toward the waiting wolves.*

*esper scented the air for any prey, preferably something that wasn't to small but not to difficult either.*
*vortex scanned the herd. Looking for a good one to take. He spotted one not to far off and crawled toward it, wanting to get as close as possible before starting the chase. The wind changed just as he was about to jump out and sent the herd running. He was soon hot on the heels of his target, scaring it toward the waiting wolves.*

*esper scented the air for any prey, preferably something that wasn't to small but not to difficult either.*
Mac gasped when he saw the herd move. "Careful everyone," he said to the other wolves. He set his eyes on the target now approaching him and the others. When it came close enough, he lunged from his spot, sinking his jaws into the deer's neck while the other wolves surrounded it.
Mac gasped when he saw the herd move. "Careful everyone," he said to the other wolves. He set his eyes on the target now approaching him and the others. When it came close enough, he lunged from his spot, sinking his jaws into the deer's neck while the other wolves surrounded it.
*vortex jumped on the deer as it fell and bit hard onto the base of the Skull, pulling it down the rest of the way just before Mac bit into the neck.*
*vortex jumped on the deer as it fell and bit hard onto the base of the Skull, pulling it down the rest of the way just before Mac bit into the neck.*
Mac bit hard and shook his head in his grasp. The deer kicked and panicked a little, but it was already beginning to die from the blows it was receiving from Vortex and Mac.

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