Paxo the Rooster- Baby Paxo's???

that is one COOL looking bird! He looks like he's standing in front of a wind machine waiting for is photo shoot to begin!
Aw, he's really cute. He looks like cochin/silkie cross to me. I don't think he's frizzled.

Rooster-Nab him and then him and my chickies can make beautiful little chikies together, lol. My white frizzle is just as docile as any cat. She loves to be held and follows you around.

And this one is presently sitting on eggs right now (I can hardly contain myself)

See now wouldn't those make beautiful babies? Would we get a frazzle though (or w/e those are called)?
CluckyChick you have really set our household on fire with your post above, I had never thought of breeding chookies until you suggested crossing Paxo with one of you beauties! ( and oh my gosh, they ARE such beauties!)

SO! now that the cogs of thought are turning, what advice would anyone give as far as aquiring a little hen to make baby Paxo's with? I was thinking of trying to find a light coloured non frizzle pekin/cochin hen?
hello again fellow chicken fans... there have been some recent developments as far as Paxo.

I went out and bought three female cochin chicks from a breeder soon after posting this thread. One of them has been squatting for me when handled and has been doing all the usual broody hen type things, sitting on eggs/nest and being grouchy when anyone comes near her. So I thought Id go and borrow dear little paxo from his owners and make some babies....

except it doesnt seem to be as easy as all that!

My little cochin hen is mean to him and poor little Paxo is quite terrified of her. Paxo usually lives with about 5 isabrowns who have made sure he is at the bottom of the pecking order....I feel so sad for him! All these nasty females picking on the poor little darling! I had them together but seperated for a day, then let them into each others space....and she munched at him and now he is scared of her. I have tried again, but she is still nasty and he is justifiably scared. Now im just leaving him in a safe spot away from the hen, and he is enjoying himself very much, but not making babies.

Any hope here? Advice and tips would be most gratefully appreciated!
have you got a pic of him from the side?

Isolate the rooster by himself in the run for 3-4 days, introduce the hen currently at the bottom of the pecking order.... once she submit, he'll grow confidence and cocky... work your way up the hierarchy.

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