paypal fees?


12 Years
Aug 2, 2010
i just got a paypal and the first time i recieved money a fee was taken out, and the second time another fee was taken out. it was a larger amount so it took out almost $5. does paypal usually take a fee? i didnt think they did..

i figured i would post in this section because of people using paypal for hatching eggs..
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Yes, PayPal does take a percentage of the payment as a fee. I just can't remember what the percentage is, but you can find it on their site somewhere.
Hope that helps!
oh ok thanks! the first time i recieved money the sender didnt think i should have gotten charged for her sending me money, and when it just happened again i was thinking hey! why am i getting charged here! lol but if thats normal then ok!
Depending on the type of payment you specify it will take the fee from the sender's or recipient's funds. In other words if you send a "gift" the fee comes from you, if you send a payment for goods it comes out of the seller's funds. I think.

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