PDZ question


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 12, 2013
How do you use Sweet PDZ in your hen house? Do you sprinkle it on the floor before adding the pine shavings? Do you mix it with the pine shavings? Have had a dry warm summer with no odor problems until this week when it rained off and on for a couple of days and had horrible humidity. Now the hen house really smells and I cleaned it a week ago (have been able to go a week without a problem in the past). Help please, anybody.
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On a clean floor, I put a layer of it on the floors (concrete or wood) and put the shavings on top of it. Every week or so I put more PDZ and another bag or two of shavings down and mix. I only clean them out totally every 4-6 weeks in the summer unless they get wet.
I have sand in my coop about 3/4 of an inch with pdz I clean it once a week with a cat litter scoop no smell at all no matter how much rain we get, I just sprinkle it out with a plastic cup.
Sweet PDZ

Removes ammonium from the air by absorption. The ammonia in urine is trapped within the molecules of sweet pdz for freshair. Unscented so it does not mask odors. Dries as it deodorizes. Moisture is absorbed by sweet pdz and remains effective even when capacity is reached. "Sweet pdz can be recycled after use by applying the bedding that contains the pdz to gardens, pastures and compost." Serves as a slow release nitrogen/potassium fertilizer

I had to look it up myself. It comes in granular pellets or powder and has a horse on the label so I think it is made for horse stalls for horse poop. This one sells for about $17.

Thanks all!! I had to look it up too. Got some yesterday ($17 for a 40 pound bag). Completely cleaned out the house and found a wet patch in front of the door and in the back corner. I sprinkled the PDZ on both patches and the odor instantly was gone. It was AMAZING! I sprinkled it over the rest of the floor then put the pine shavings down. Went out this morning ~ no odor. I'm happy. Decided to mix some in with the litter in my cat box too
Does anyone know, does it have to be in direct contact with the source of the odor or can you use it like a 'sachet' and have it be just as effective?
Thanks again ~ Teresa

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