Pea chicks...Identify please?

Wow that ram sure does have some big horns. I always thought Jacob sheep were pretty cool when I saw them here on the BYC, but I haven't seen a picture of one with horns like that until now. My dad says they look demonic.
Love your peas - I have a yearling pair myself BUT, the Jacob, wow! Totally cool! How are their temperaments? I have a couple Nigi goats that have horns- those that guy has would make them bow down to their ultimate awesomeness!

Yeah, I need dinner- I am rambling. Sorry.
LOL thanks everybody, they have great temperments, only in breeding season will the rams sparr up with eachother. but its controllable, and they are not mean towards me i get right in with this big guy oliver


Here are new pictures of my pied peachick for you deerman...hope they work for you


She or he kept puffing up the neck feathers




This little white kept wanting to show off

Tell me, what characteristics made her able to tell that she is a hen? Im learning still with the peafowl, ide like to get a few more pied chicks from the same source as these, now that i can tell if they are male or female...i will go back for one more hen and one male if i can tell for myself.
Looking at the brown on the peachick you can tell it looks dark and is not very barred. So far I think male peachicks are lighter in color and have lots of barring and the hens lose the barring fairly quickly.
Nope, it was warm that day. they fluffed up out of curiousity...the flash of my camera they were not sure what it was. i have fed them medicated chick starter, and scratch grains, cat food and some cinnimon raisin bread a few times a week. all my animals are pretty spoiled

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