Peachick issues


10 Years
Apr 22, 2009
Lebanon, Virginia
Ok guys this is my first ever try with peafowl. I have read every thing I could find about them, but sometimes first hand advice can be much better. Is their any issues with them early on I need to know about, watch out for, be aware of? When do I need to worry about worming him? I have marbles in his water and pushed down in the food as well. He hasn't went for the food yet, but he went straight for the water after putting the marbles in it. I have my lavender orpington chick in with him also to help get him to eating and drinking. Is this ok? I have read to do that and not to do that. Alot of conflicting info out their. I have a cage ready for him (in the house of course) with a wire bottom in it. Of course he will be in a very warm brooder box for a while tho. I found the medicated game bird starter feed. I put sugar in the water. Am I on the right track? Anything else I need to do? I know several of you guys really know your peafowl and I sure would appreciate any knowledge you can give me. I don't want to make any bad mistakes that would compromise his health.

Sure you know he needs heat around 95, like all chicks.

Drink water is great, i give suger water first day only.
Now to get him eating, take a hard boil eggs yolk(no white)
break it over the feed. or see if he will eat it from your hand.

you have a few days to get him eating, getting him drinking water is the first thing to do.

Your on the right track.
I have my fingers crossed for you and PJ
They will really go for cut up small pieces of lettuce, cottage cheese, and you can try catsup on the egg and cottage cheese it might help. They will really pick at the lettuce(anything green) and anything red(your fingers if pink or red nail polish.)
The teacher chick is fine. I have raised them with bobwhites, golden pheasants and coturnix quail all work. Any and all could develope picking just make sure they have plenty of room, food and water. The pea will pick at their beaks as it learns to eat what they eat.

I have a 4 week old in with chicks and duckies right now and they are doing fine.. hope this helps reasure. Susan
He is eating the starter feed now. I hard boiled an egg this morning and gave it to him. He wasn't very interested at first but finally started eating and now he's doing great. I was getting worried. I noticed him picking at the beak of the two chicks in with him and wondered why he was doing that. Thanks for that bit of info Susan. I have read they will eat literally anything white. Is that right?
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DeerMan, I have read repeatedly that you have to teach the peachicks to eat, is this the norm,
I have 6 in the bator and thinking I should have put them under my broody OEGB but the eggs are way to big to put more than 2 and I am not sure the other broody will let me take her eggs and replace with the pea eggs.

like the OP this is my first time with peafowl in the bator,
how much harder are they than turkeys and sabastopol eggs?
I didnt have a hard time hatching the gees 2 out of 3 eggs hatched healty chicks, third was a fader, but the turkey eggs have given me fits.
We just hatched out 4 IB peachicks last week and they are doing fine, they didn't have any problems learning to eat. But.... We had some guineas and marans in the brooder so they just fell in with them. I'm sure that helps.

We don't have any problems hatching our own pea eggs but on shipped eggs if we get 50% we feel lucky. I think it's just like any other egg, once you get a system that works it's easy after that. We can hatch turkey eggs all day long but have trouble with waterfowl eggs, we just don't do it that often so we don't have a system.

Steve in NC
I put a couple of 2 day old chicks in with mine and gave them hard boiled egg. Slowly through the day he started picking at the food as the others did and now he's doing great. Put sugar in the water the first day. He loved that and drank it right up.
Yes you just have to make sure they are drinking and eating, Teacher chicks help. Just about same as turkey, hatching and raising. Not to scare people about hatching them, they are just not easy as chickens. Good incubator control and proper turning. Still air incubator dont work as well with larger eggs.

Like Steve has been hatching turkey for a few years, note he has no trouble with peafowl eggs, or peachicks.

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