Peacock that's molted can still produce fertile eggs


6 Years
May 22, 2017
Advance, NC
My Blackshoulder Peacock, Malibu, started molting in early July as far as I can remember, it may have been before that. I thought the hens were done laying for the year and he was done mating, but apparently not. After he had molted for a while, I came home and found four eggs within a week and a half or so. Two were broken because one hen decided to lay from the perch and one (probably same one) decided to lay from a high place in the coop where it rolled off and broke, so I was left with two eggs. I thought, well I might as well try to incubate them and see, not expecting anything, but sure enough, tonight was the 7th night and they have air sacs and blood vessels. Just wanted to share my experience in case anyone else is getting eggs and think they might be infertile. Go for it and try to hatch them. :thumbsup
They can be fertile for a long time after the cock loses his train, even after a cock has been removed.

Thanks for your reply, I've raised peafowl off and on for years, but had always heard when they lose their trains, there were no longer fertile, but it's so interesting that they are. Very good to know. I don't know if my hens will lay any longer this year, but if they do, in the incubator they go. :wee
Thanks for your reply, I've raised peafowl off and on for years, but had always heard when they lose their trains, there were no longer fertile, but it's so interesting that they are. Very good to know. I don't know if my hens will lay any longer this year, but if they do, in the incubator they go. :wee
I am setting my last 50 eggs tonight and then I am done for the season.

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