Peacocks flew away


8 Years
Dec 14, 2011
Marietta, GA
I am just heartbroken. A stray dog showed up & chased the peacocks. All 3 males flew away. One came back after a day.

With 6 peahens (1 cameo who has been w her husband for 4 years), is it possible they could return eventually? The ladies are depressed, especially the cameo.

BTW...the dog won't be back.
No one's making a peep. Most won't get off of the roofs of the farm building. Mrs Cameo, who's a treat freak refuses to get down for anything. She just lays atop the barns roof depressed.

I assume they're in shock. My danes have laid beside me while they eat from my hand. This stray they assume that they presumed was not something they feared. (The Pyr & mastiff & danes never thought the were anything but pets.)

However, this stray pit was accepted by the pyr, farm dane & chi mix. My danes wouldve kiilled hhim. I didn't let them out as you never know how much damage a pit can do & mine are show dogs. But they would've never been accepting as the farm dogs who brought him home to share their food & played w him.

He is gone but my peas are still freaked. It hurts to see them this way.
At least one male returned. Hopefully the others will come back. It might take a little while for them to come back but you might just wake up tomorrow and see one or both of the peacocks back. Dogs can definitely make them take flight but sometimes it is a different story...A lady told me that her peacocks ganged up on a stray pit and chased him out of the yard and down the street flying and pecking at him. If you are really worried about them you could put out some fliers or let nearby people know to be on the lookout for some lose peacocks. That helped when my first peacock flew away. We got several people telling us they saw him.
Bantam've given me hope. Those 2 boys know where they live & where all their girls are. Plus the hens & other boy have been calling a lot more now. Even at night. I sure hope Mr Brown & Mr Blue hear them. Thank You!
Years ago we were given a gorgeous peacock that had been attacked by coyotes. We cared for him and he made a full recovery. He fell in love with our tiny Silkie's and after we sold them he flew over our 12' fence, across the highway and a week later some friends who lived 10 miles away with peahen's were telling us about how one day a beautiful peacock flew in and stayed with their peahen's. Maybe this will give you hope they will return soon.
Saints be praised!!!! Yesterday morning my landlord called @ 10am. Saw the 2 males about 15 miles from here, 10' off the road, next to Ft Jackson artillery range. Holy the time I got my peacock friends mustered it was afternoon. We didn't see them but at least have an idea of where they are.

At this time I'm kinda wondering is someone took them & they escaped. Or, that they could've walked the 15 miles, which is entirely possible if they were scared enough. I'm just soooo happy they're still together & alive!

Chance was 1 in a few million that my landlord would've seen them. And its probably a few million less for mee to find them, even if I canvass the vacinity. But hope springs eternal!
My four peacocks flew away the very first time I let them out to roam, after having them for a month or so here at our farm in Virginia Beach. I was heartbroken. Neighboring farms were put on alert and I'd get bulletins - "They are on Foster's barn!" "They were in my dad's yard this morning!" for more than a week. The one we adopted first came home on his own but had to be penned to keep him from going off to search for the others. Since we didn't have other peacocks to call him in when he got close, I downloaded peacock calling videos from YouTube and played them through speakers on our porch. It worked!!!
And he came home.

Still three on the loose.....I put a flyer at the nearby little store and that very afternoon a gentleman called to say the three amigos were at his place. They had easily covered 15 miles in their wandering and made it across a tributary of the inland waterway!

We dashed over, verified the happy peacocks, and came home to gather up pen materials. I use the 6x6' chain link panels for dog pens as temporary poultry runs. They go together very fast and are moveable. We popped up the pen (with another panel for a top) and put their favorite junk food (cake) and a mirror inside. We instructed the homeowner to close the door if they went inside and he promptly rigged up a line that would let him tug the door closed without the peas seeing him. (Bright guy!)

Didn't even get home before he called my cellphone to say he had all three. Back we went, armed with a peacock baffling sheet, "bagged" each pea into a portable crate and took them home.
We went back, collected our pen and thanked the gentleman. He had enjoyed the entire escapade and would have happily kept them (we'd have let him) if his wife had only agreed.

The three peacocks went to a good home up in Crozet VA and the most homebody of the group stayed with us. The good result is that now everyone in the neighborhood knows that if they see the peacock about - call me!

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