Peafowl 103: Illness, Injury, Medication and Care (in progress)

Do they pick the lices each other?
Yes they do, mine are constantly preening each other, its a pea thang!
Gerald Barker
Hi! We are coming into winter here in south america, and some of our peachicks and peacock sneeze and gasp sometimes, they are pretty active and eating normally. So far i am putting probiotics and vitamin in water, but many people say here just tonput obe aspirine in their drinking water, but iwas wondering on your thought on it? I don't dare to do it though..
Hi! We are coming into winter here in south america, and some of our peachicks and peacock sneeze and gasp sometimes, they are pretty active and eating normally. So far i am putting probiotics and vitamin in water, but many people say here just tonput obe aspirine in their drinking water, but iwas wondering on your thought on it? I don't dare to do it though..

Hmmm, gasping is never good. Sneezing can also indicate illness, but they do sometimes sneeze softly to clear the air passages or when it's really dusty. If they are gasping, I would suspect illness or possibly gape worms, which can also cause gasping.

Birds don't usually experience seasonal illnesses the way people do. So if there are signs of possible illness, it's best to get on it right away.

Aspirin, no, that doesn't cure anything that I know of -- not sure why anyone would tell you that, but I would be cautious about following any advice from that person.

By the time that birds show behavioral symptoms of illness, they are often very, very sick. So when you see subtle signs of illness, such as the sneezing/gasping, it's time to investigate, before they go downhill to the point of beyond help. Do you have a regular vet that you use? When were they wormed last, and what was used to worm them? Can you get photos of poo? And pictures of the birds, too!

Are there any signs of swelling in the sinuses or eyes, any cloudiness, redness or drainage? Any head-shaking? When does the gasping most often occur?

Best to look into this right away. I'm sure @casportpony will have good ideas for you, she's our resident pea health expert
Hmmm, gasping is never good.  Sneezing can also indicate illness, but they do sometimes sneeze softly to clear the air passages or when it's really dusty.  If they are gasping, I would suspect illness or possibly gape worms, which can also cause gasping.

Birds don't usually experience seasonal illnesses the way people do.  So if there are signs of possible illness, it's best to get on it right away.

Aspirin, no, that doesn't cure anything that I know of -- not sure why anyone would tell you that, but I would be cautious about following any advice from that person.

By the time that birds show behavioral symptoms of illness, they are often very, very sick.  So when you see subtle signs of illness, such as the sneezing/gasping, it's time to investigate, before they go downhill to the point of beyond help.  Do you have a regular vet that you use?  When were they wormed last, and what was used to worm them?  Can you get photos of poo?  And pictures of the birds, too!

Are there any signs of swelling in the sinuses or eyes, any cloudiness, redness or drainage?  Any head-shaking?  When does the gasping most often occur?

Best to look into this right away.  I'm sure @casportpony
will have good ideas for you, she's our resident pea health expert :bow

I agree with GP, aspirin no worky worky, sounds like a respiratory issue, keep an eye on your flock to make sure that they dont have it. Kathy will be in shortly,

Gerald Barker
If they have a respiratory infection I would treat with antibiotics, not aspirin. Would be best to have a vet look at one.

Thank you all!! I treated with antiparasites and the gasping stopped, they are still sneezing still, but a bit less, no swollen sinunes or any other symptoms, do you reccommend the antibiotic if they get worse or do a preventive treatment? They are 3 months old now and very active they have been dancing all day to eachother, the cutest thing ever!

All my chicks this year is closing their eyes like this anyone know why? They are healthy and active but then the eyelids will get dry and stick with each other, i usually use ointment that has antibiotic for one time or twice and it will not happen again. But this time its not working.
All my chicks this year is closing their eyes like this anyone know why? They are healthy and active but then the eyelids will get dry and stick with each other, i usually use [COLOR=1D2129]ointment that has antibiotic for one time or twice and it will not happen again. But this time its not working.[/COLOR]
What type of light bulb are you using Othman? Gerald Barker

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