Peafowl cages for auctions


Jun 6, 2023
Hello all and thank you for continuing to put time and effort into answering my questions.

I would like to know how you handle this cage thing... that the cage goes with the bird so it should be inexpensive. Do you use shipping boxes which are $30? Or do you build your own, and if so please post pics or tell me what material you use?

Since I have never been to an auction I can't picture this kind of a crate icy head. I come from the AKC dog show world where crates are anywhere from $60 to $1400, and I certainly wouldn't let anyone have them if sold a dog to them.

Please post pics of your "auction crates".
The 'professionally accepted standard' for peafowl is 24x24x9 inches, one inch chicken wire with two feeders. The new regs will require feeders that are not solo or butter cups as they get broken easily. Top and bottom must be solid and there must be a door that is removable and a placard in one inch letters saying live birds. Not all auctions are going to require the signage or handles. Check with auctions for their actual requirements.
Thank you so much for your response and especially the photos. That looks like OSB too. I can make those. Thanks also for including the sizes. Are hens a smaller size? And that pic has multiple birds. Are the birds being sold together or separately?
Now do you transport them in the same cage? What type of vehicle do peafowl people use, and do they rent a trailer too to bring their birds?
I assume that you have pine shavings in the cage right? Especially if they are going to be in there for a few days... So I want to make sure I understand you correctly. You want to leave a little opening in the back of the cage so his train can be free. And the openings/door to the crate is wire with hog rings?

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