Peafowl Image Database


Longfeather Lane
13 Years
Jun 10, 2010
Hello! I know I'm not around much anymore, but I thought I would pop in and say that I've been handed the reins to the Peafowl Image Database website, (previously found at, now on its own domain, although the old link will still redirect).

The Database is a repository of peafowl images voluntarily donated by owners/photographers (including MANY folks from here!) and organized so as to help with identification. It has been available but closed to new submissions for a few years, as the previous curator no longer had time to tend it, but I have officially re-opened the doors for submissions. I've upgraded it to a paid site (paid on my end, it's still free to everyone to use) in order to remove the gaudy ads it had, and give us some new features.

If you'd like to contribute (now or ever in the future), there's a new submission page (the old contact page still exists but the new submission page allows file uploads so there's no running around, you can just drop off images and be done). Please have a look at the "Photo Taking Guide" which has examples of the kinds of photos most useful to the database, but in short: photos should be as in-focus as possible, in natural lighting if possible, relatively close (as opposed to peafowl off in the distance so we can't see details), and feature a small number of peafowl (preferably just a single one, since the photos are being used for ID purposes and a single bird per photo makes it less confusing for anyone searching for answers). You will retain all rights to photographs, and be credited (I actually encourage you to mark your photos with your name or your farm name before sending them in), the database is for educational purposes only.

I am still shoring up and sculpting stuff on the back end, and areas of the site may be under construction at any given time, so please be patient if you arrive and something is super wonky. If it remains that way for more than a day, please let me know! Once I've finished the initial back-end organization, I will likely come back inquiring for resources and suggestions, but for now, I just wanted to announce it's still here and newly reopened!
Yay! I just mentioned this in a post the other day. When New2 was running the site she would watermark my photos for me as I can't do it on my photo editor, can you still do that? My wife does it for some of our pics on Spring Creek Peafowl but it requires me to send my photos to her for marking and then her sending them back and on and on.
I can definitely add names or other text to images before posting, but I don't have the data-deep version that adds a true watermark to the photo data (most people don't). If you need more than just text added, you'll need to do it yourself. For just text, on the submission page you actually get to choose how you want them marked if you aren't doing it yourself, and I'll be using that to add contributor ID/credit to photos as text before posting.

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