Peafowl Medications

Im gonna be sick over this, I didnt think to rub water on her leg and put her back for the night already she was starting to freak out under the towel but talking to her seemed to help. Thats a relief if you say the greeen is normal. The green is the entire leg muscle and darker further up where I though the break was but again couldnt find it this time. I was trying to cut the feathers but that didnt work. I will try plucking them but she aint gonna like it I bet and whats the best way without ripping her skin? She got real jumpy so I clean her up removed some bandage from the toes after checking the splints seem good. Is there any antibiotics to give her for the breaks or would it be too much with the Corid treating for occidoisis? and thank you for your help, these vets around here are not much good when you need one or wont work on peafowl
I don't think you need to give antibiotics for fractures, so don't worry about that. Best way to remove feathers is to gently pluck them in the direction they are growing. Was the splinting manual helpful?
Yes it was very helpful especialy in getting properly prepared to do the job and re feeling everything again, which Im still confused as to how I cant find the break, but would explain the bruising I didnt expect it to be green colored and so hoping your right and its not the other. I started feeling the other leg just to be sure but nothing there so slowly re feeling everything again and again and then she got way to jumpy and had to stop. The plucking part of it I was unsure of and tried cutting the feathers but that failed. I was afraid plucking would rip her skin and scare her more. She is calm and eating and drinking and I got her place on top a nice pile of hay with food and water within reach for the night. Not sure on what to do next or do I wait till monday and find a vet ?
I would try to find one that can see her tomorrow. Most vets are open half days on Saturday, usually in the am.
The only vet that could help went out of town for the weekend so Ive been forced to wait till monday, Im hoping they can xray the leg and give me better news and that its not broken just badly bruised and just her toes are broken. She stood tried walking but didnt go far so I put her back in her spot but she is eating and drinking and very alert and all the birds seem to be doing well on the Corid going on day 3 and everyones looking good but want outside but thats just not possible until after their treatment Im keeping them quarantine inside. What is the best way to sterilize their pen area its mainly dirt and the grass has been eaten and all destroyed. What Can I spread over the ground to kill everything and then bring in more sand and gravel over it and replant seed ?They will not be allowed back in there until its sterile. A new area for now will be made in a better aviary much larger , they are almost trained enough to be free range,
Ok, I got the hen to the vet first thing and the leg was broken in the drumstick and they set it correctly and will take her back in a week, vet said keep giving greens and everything else,but no answers on treating the ground in their pen which for now is closed ? and after 4 days all the birds are looking much better, one hen laid another egg but the other real sick one laid a soft shell broken. I wondering as I have read post by others seeing a yellow cheesy stuff coming out of their hens that had coccidiosis, if they are not mistaking this for a completely paper thin egg shell the yolk runs out of the bird, hence the explaining the yellow cheesy substance being mistaken for bad shelled eggs
When treating for coccidiosis using Corid, should I stop feeding my birds collard greens since these contain lots of vitamins and minerals which the parasites also feed on ?
People say you should avoid feeding anything that's high in thiamine.
Ok, I got the hen to the vet first thing and the leg was broken in the drumstick and they set it correctly and will take her back in a week, vet said keep giving greens and everything else,but no answers on treating the ground in their pen which for now is closed ? and after 4 days all the birds are looking much better, one hen laid another egg but the other real sick one laid a soft shell broken. I wondering as I have read post by others seeing a yellow cheesy stuff coming out of their hens that had coccidiosis, if they are not mistaking this for a completely paper thin egg shell the yolk runs out of the bird, hence the explaining the yellow cheesy substance being mistaken for bad shelled eggs
Glad you got the leg set. Can you share with us what the vet did?

Cheesy yellow? Can you give us a better idea of what you mean?

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