Peafowl Poop - Normal and Abnormal - Lots of poop pictures

Well I'm back finally.... Rough go here.... What on earth would cause them to be so so sick....(is it the combo of coccidiosis and parasites???)... If you have seen something so very similar... I was wondering if perhaps you know what it is.... The ups and downs with this poor pea have been staggering!...
He did fairly well yesterday, got him in to the vets, didn't get any further answers, but got a lot of good, helpful, general info... And basically got told to " stay the course"... Btw... Yes,feeding with a syringe, vet seemed fine with it, and I didn't know to ask about tube feeding... Interesting...
This am he was horrible!!!.... Sounded awful!!!.... Gurgle and congested , kind of coughing, and throwing his head around... He did gets some fluids and all meds and he's up and about, but doing poorly. By noon, he was a bit better, and not as congested sounding. At dinner, he rallied nicely, did well, no congestion sounds.... See what the am brings...
I was interested in the numbers you both put forth, for what the daily input should be... I will surely compare that, with what the vet told me , in the am.... Just too tired to think anymore just now...
Really really really appreciate you both!!!... So glad I've joined backyardchickens
If you have any tips regarding the congestion sounds.... I'd love to hear your thoughts!... Thanks so very much!!!....
@dreamzofpeas you should call your vet and talk to him about tube feeding vs syringe feeding. It's way too easy for them to aspirate when syringe feeding, which could explain the gurgling. If you can get a tube and syringe, I can teach you.

I will send you my contact info in a private message.

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Spoke to my other vet/ not avian specialist... She said no.... Will call avian vet this afternoon as I have other topic for her anyway.... Will give you a call later Kathy!!!... So many thanks!!!.... Ps.... 1 at time in exactly 1 week.... He's eating independently.....
Hello again!
My peacock, Stan , (cocccidia patient), started drinking on his own on Friday pm, and eating a bit on and off over the weekend. He has been drinking really really well for the last 3-4 days, we've hand fed him to supplement what he has eaten on his own. He finished his cocccidia medicine on Monday. Today is day 13 of him still having diahrea!!!. I was pinning my hopes that once he was thru the illness and done with the medicine, his bowel function would return to normal. Will it just take a little longer??? Or what?? I am very concerned with this diahhrea, since it's going on almost two weeks, and he's already so thin. Otherwise he's pretty good, just not got his strength so no roosting. My only other concern was he was very congested, and coughing and bringing up phlegm, although that is much much better, I still see some difficulty breathing , mouth open frequently, sometimes gaping. Will appreciate any and all help and advise , especially things I need to question further thru the vet as well. Thank you all so very very much!!!!..,ps. I am sure!... He is not yet able to eat nearly enough on his own just yet, how much should I hand feed him, to supplement ... Tx!
@casportpony thank you Kathy! read about the duck, and daily I find myself on my way to getting over my fear of tube feeding!!! Don't know why I find it such a scary thought! But I am beginning to look at it in a new and positive light!!!.., thanks!!!...
Spoke to the vet today... She said... Could easily be another week til he improves and gets straightened out... Tomorrow she would like to re check stool... Very glad for that... Kathy suggested that and I think that's a great idea and will glad to get that done... Vet says that's all we need to do ... That and feed him more.... She told me something over 10% of his body weight would be great... Just wanted to update... Thanks!!!!...

Poops of my adults peas, are they normal? I see no sight of illness at the moment, but their poops are not good, they are molting now.

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