Peafowl Poop - Normal and Abnormal - Lots of poop pictures

By the way @KsKingBee how's SweePea doing??

She is as good a rain! 100% back and even friendlier than she was before. I am thinking on starting a new thread on Pseudomonas, I swear that my CRS has cost me so much, I didn't remember the lessons from last year. I sent Kathy the lab reports so we may be able to get something put together so people an recognize and treat more effectively for this nasty bacteria.
That is such good news!

Very excited that she is back to her old SweePea self and then some!!

Thanks to your devoted care.
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By the way @KsKingBee
how's SweePea doing??

She is as good a rain!  100% back and even friendlier than she was before.  I am thinking on starting a new thread on Pseudomonas, I swear that my CRS has cost me so much, I didn't remember the lessons from last year.  I sent Kathy the lab reports so we may be able to get something put together so people an recognize and treat more effectively for this nasty bacteria.

Glad she's better! Got some pictures of you lab reports that I'll send you in a PM and then you can maybe write something up. I also did some research on the some of the antibiotics listed, which I'll post about later.

Glad she's better! Got some pictures of you lab reports that I'll send you in a PM and then you can maybe write something up. I also did some research on the some of the antibiotics listed, which I'll post about later.


I, (we), really should share this particularly nasty bacterial infection information with the world of peafowl. There are so many cases of respiratory illness that could have had better outcomes if the people only knew. The only drugs that work are almost never mentioned when people are trying to find out what to do. ..........

My problem is that when I have a flock of birds that need treatment catching every one of them every day is not doable, but a shot that lasts the duration of the illness, like Zactran, is.

Edited to remove comment about Oxytetracycline which did not work in the lab report.
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Kathy this poo from a sick peachick, do you have any idea what is wrong with her or what should i give her?
She is acting the same way like the peachick who died last year, and its almost the same time. Droopy wings, walking slowly and sleeping on the ground.
Kathy this poo from a sick peachick, do you have any idea what is wrong with her or what should i give her?
She is acting the same way like the peachick who died last year, and its almost the same time. Droopy wings, walking slowly and sleeping on the ground.
Based on my flock, it looks could be one or more of the following:

  • Coccidiosis - treat with Amprolium
  • Blackhead - Treat with metronidazole
  • E. coli - Treat with Baytril
  • Necrotic Enteritis - treat with metronidazole
  • Worms - treat with albendazole or fenbendazole

Does that help?


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