peahen and hatching eggs proposal


7 Years
Sep 12, 2014
Central North Carolina
So i have 2 hens and one male together now for almost 3 years.
the hens have been laying eggs for 2 summers now and i've been trying to hatch them in my incubator with 0 eggs hatched. Last year none of them appeared to be fertilized.
I have one hen that lays on a shelf 6ft off the ground and only one of her many eggs have appeared to be fertilized, the other lays them on the ground and almost all of hers have been fertilized.
So in my last batch in the incubator all of them came from the hen that lays 6ft off the ground and only 1 of 9 appeared to even be fertilized, as candling them showed all clear after 20 days.

my hen that lays 6ft off the ground is laying again this week. So..

Here is my proposal and i welcome suggestions, i thought i would take those 9 eggs and put them in a "nest" like area on the ground and see if either one of the hens would try to start sitting on them.
i figure other than a mess to clean up if they crack them for some reason i've got nothing to lose.


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