Peahen eggs fertal?


12 Years
Oct 6, 2007
Montpelier Ohio
I was amazed this morning when I went out to find a huge egg in with my peafowl. She must have layed it yesterday when we where gone all day because she layed another one this evening.

Anyhow what do you think would the eggs be fertal? I got the pair this spring and the people said they were yearlings. The male doest have his eye tail feathers in yet. But I have seen him doing his little shimmer dance for her the past few weeks. I didnt even think she would lay til next year so you can imagine my suprise.


ETA: How may eggs does the average peahen lay in a year?
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Yes sometime yearling hens will lay, but the peacock should be 2yr.

My 2 yr old charcoal peacock(no eye feather) has 3 peahens, so far all the eggs from the pen have been fertile.

Try them check after 10 day, I would think not,but worth a try.

I keep 2 yr. old peacocks with all my yearling just in case some lay.
WOW! I honestly don't know!
We have a pair of year old IB...and we were told NEXT spring!
So please keep us posted!!!!

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