PeaHen with curled feet - ?? help ?! 6 Peacock eggs to trade-

Henny Penny Mom

In the Brooder
12 Years
Jul 23, 2007
my peahen laid 6 eggs a month or so ago. she then went into decline. She appears to be healthy, bright alert- just doesnt get around right. When i first googled this it seemed like a calcium deficiency. I gave her calcium pills, and crushed calcium and fed it to her in a syringe. That seemed to help some. Now she is kind of flopping around on the floor moving around eating and drinking etc- but i noticed her feet are curled.

does anyone have any idea what I should do ? are there any special vitamins etc or treatments that can help her. She has a natural assorted grain food, and I give them cat food as a treat/snack and scraps from kitchen and bread etc. This is her 3rd "nesting" so she is not a first time mother...

and...... on top of all that....

Of course she is not sitting on the eggs... does anyone want them for hatching- i would trade for something ? I'm in Gettyburg PA

Thanks ! Rose
Hi I don't know much about the pea foul but sometimes in chickens this can be a vitamin deficiency.especially riboflavin
I'd try to give her some vitamins and riboflavin for her feet and see if it helps. I know from personal expirence defiencies can take some time to heal so patience is needed. I just checked in my book of poultry diagnosis and treatment and yes just as I suspected the curled toes is realated to a riboflavin I would try that
My own flock was suffering from a vitamin E defiency. and it took about 31/2 weeks to cure it. Now my bird is better and you wouldn't know she had a problem! Thank God! But it takes patience and time to heal. I really hope this helps. And I hope your bird gets better soon" good luck!

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