Pecked in the eye by a chicken??

Not the eye, but I wear glasses and they've pecked the lenses before--guess I need to be wary of a side-attack to the sclera! Gawd...that'd hurt!

I've had an earring pulled right out of my ear once... Miraculously, we found it in the grass!
Yep, a Partridge Rock got me good.

She was on my shoulder looking inquisitively into my eye (I foolishly thought) and WHAM! It hurt like the dickens and the sclera turned bright red for about 10 days from the bleeding. No vision problems or I'd have been to the ER in a flash.

Now I either wear sunglasses, safety glasses or keep my big head away from the chickens' beaks!
This was from a previous post.
Boy I didn't see this one coming. My little PBR Pixie jumped up on my shoulder today when I was cleaning the run. I looked up to the right to call to my wife to show her, when WHACK... Right in the eye. I'm so lucky I wasn't looking straight at Pixie or I might have gotten it right in the middle of the eye. Looking to the right might have saved me. Needless to say I won't fall for that one again!


I had a contact lens stolen off my eyeball by a young pullet.

In my experience, it's the young chickens that peck at ANYthing until they figure out what's edible and what's not. Once my girls were mature, they never pecked at anything inappropriate (i.e. inedible).
Hahahahaha! my little pullet did the exact same thing to a friend, swallowed the lens whole....
She will peck eyeballs if you are not careful but the funniest thing she ever gets is my tongue i was laughing away with little nugget on my chest next thing i know i have an entire chicken head in my mouth with a firm grip on my tongue needless to say she stays away from my face at all times.
These sound awful! I was pecked on the tooth and that makes me pull my face away from them at eye level now. Why do they watch my mouth with such curiosity?
My son was pecked in the eye by a cockatiel, cut the inside of his lid and bled like crazy. He used to close his eyes and the bird would groom his very long lashes.
I was pecked in the sclera just now by a turken pullet, stings like crazy, but this thread makes me feel a lot less stupid, lol. I knew chickens were attracted to shiny things but didn't know our eyeballs were included! She was curiously looking at my eyeball while hanging out on my knee, I thought it might have been my eyelashes or how our eye makes slight and swift movements like bugs, there was more than enough time for me to get her off my lap and stop it from happening but I didn't think she'd actually peck at it. Oh well, lesson learned!

Kind of off topic but does anyone have any first aid tips? Maybe just flushing with water will suffice? Should I see the doctor? I'm thinking it'll be alright but I'm paranoid after reading that infection is quick and can make you go blind... It's just a little hole in the sclera, nothing big like pkzman's! That is insane. ):

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Not in the eye thank goodness but my daughter had a small piece of skin cut open when our rooster pecked at her face when she was holding him. Enough to bleed and get a scab and all. Scares me to think the damage that would have caused an eye.

No chooks close to faces any more
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ItsWolfeh - Did you go see the doctor?

If I were you, I'd err on the side of caution. When I happened to me, I did go to the urgent care clinic of a large medical practice. They sent me up to see an optometrist, then the opthamologist because it was a nasty scratch (I had no way of knowing how bad). All I knew was that it hurt a lot. The only treatment was prescription antibacterial ointment applied 2 or 3 times a day.

The pain was gone by the next day.

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