Pecking at everything...


Mar 12, 2020
We have 4 hens and they are pecking at everything. Our toes, the ring on my finger, everything. And because of that my daughter (2yr old) is terrified of them.

I want to socialize more with the chickens, so they get more used to us, but i'm only so much at home (after work) and my wife is kinda scared to handle the chickens also.

Is it just a phase? They are around 16 weeks and one of them started laying eggs the last few days, how fast will the others follows?
Sounds Like you and your family are new to chickens.
Yes, chickens peck at things. It completely normal. Toes are interesting to them . I always thought they must resemble earth worms to them. Also shiny things like rings, shoe laces, buttons, anything new and different that needs to be explored.
The pecking is how they communicate also. It's not aggression.
A happy healthy chicken is one that has lots of room and stuff to scratch around in and peck at.
Enjoy your chickens.
Keep your little girl toes covered and no shiny buttons, strings etc. Then tell her that the chickens are just saying "I love you" most of the rltime it surprises you but doesnt hurt. My kids used to love it when the chickens came up to them. Also give her a handful of feed. If she gets scared she can toss some and the chickens will run for it. This is what my son does around our cranky rooster
Following. Mine are 16 weeks too and seem to be pecking at me more than usual. I was wondering if it was a hormonal issue. Someone on here (can’t remember who, sorry!) suggested giving them a little poke with your first 2 fingers & thumb, like you are pecking back at them. I tried it yesterday & I think it may be helping.

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