Pecking chicken


Nov 13, 2020
Hello, I need some help please. I have found eggs in the nesting boxes with pecks in them. This morning I found one of my chickens in the nesting box sitting on eggs, when our white chicken tried to get in with her. She wouldn't allow it and was making a quite a racket, and so the white chicken jumped on top of the box and out came the laying chicken. As soon as she left the white one jumped in and started pecking at the box and nesting material and then moved towards the egg. When I went in there there was already an egg that had been pecked at. This chicken is always fighting with our other chickens. Do you think she is the culprit or is it something else?
Will she stop? I've also found eggs completely eaten also. Not sure what to do?


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Sounds like a likely culprit for egg eating. Are the shells of the damaged eggs normal? If so, you could consider roll away nest boxes, or try to deter the behavior by adding several fake eggs (as she can't break into those so it'll frustrate her) or eggshells filled with soap or mustard (haven't tried either one, but those are recommendations I've seen on here).

Other option is to cull or rehome, since it sounds like the flock isn't very peaceful with her in it.
Sounds like a likely culprit for egg eating. Are the shells of the damaged eggs normal? If so, you could consider roll away nest boxes, or try to deter the behavior by adding several fake eggs (as she can't break into those so it'll frustrate her) or eggshells filled with soap or mustard (haven't tried either one, but those are recommendations I've seen on here).

Other option is to cull or rehome, since it sounds like the flock isn't very peaceful with her in it.
I'll try putting golf balls in the box and see how that goes and keep an eye on things. 😆

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