Pecking Problem!!


In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 16, 2008
I'm new to chicks. We have 26 Americaunas (1 month old) in two tubs in my bathroom. This week, DH and I have off for spring break so building an 8x12 coop--should be finished today. But the weather's been nice so I've been taking them out to a makeshift pen for most of the day. This a.m., as I"m lifting them out for moving I notice one's back is just raw and bloody--I gopped on Vaseline. Another's back is just bare...not bloody yet. I kept a close eye on them as we moved them outside and it looks like they're pecking themselves! Don't know if this is nursing the damage done by another or if they did it to themselves. I know they're crowded in the bathroom--hopefully tonight they'll be in their new coop. Anything I can do meantime? Thank you so much!
Forgot to mention feed: they're solely on Purina starter, no antibiotics/meds. Plain water. I've not introduced treats b/c I didn't want them to fill up on junk. Should I throw out some sunflower seeds or scratch?
Welcome to BYC!

If it is overcrowding causing the issue then hopefully the move into the new coop will help. The ones that are pecked at you will need to watch close so the others don't start pecking at them-they can kill them. As long as you are so close to moving them into the coop, I would say the best thing to do is finish the coop and move them in. Then watch for more pecking.

Good luck! I'm having feather issues too!
I agree. In fact I would take the pecked ones out and keep them alone in a seperate brooder. If you don't the other chicks could actually peck them to death, particularly if one is bleeding. I would keep them seperate until they are healed.

Good luck with them!

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