
Thank you!

They're leghornes. Less than a year. Just started laying a few weeks ago. I handled them from chicks in order to try to get them used to me. They are much friendlier now than they used to be. 2 of the 8 are really friendly. But several seem to think I'm something to be pecked. And they really hurt.
I personally would pull up a chair to spend time with them.
Kind of an odd question but this is the first thing that popped in my head... what color are you usually wearing at the time? Is it red by chance or red boots?
Actually, I do have a lawn chair there and spend at least 15 minutes, twice a day with them....ever since we got them as chicks. I've worn different colors. Even black. Typically, when I sit with them, I wrap a towel around my waist because, while I'm petting one of the friendlies, the others will sneak up and peck me. I have one that will crouch down, let me pet her and still try to peck me. I think they think I'm part of the flock and they're trying to establish a pecking order. LOL!
Yes, Peck them back!

Have had this happen several times, mostly with hand fed chicks often as they come of age and get spunky. It's pretty easily curbed with calm and deliberate determination.

I peck them back, on the head or anywhere I can reach, with the tips of thumb and first 2 fingers, as hard and fast as many times as I can before they get away. Well, not hard enough to hurt them, just startle them and let them you mean business. That's what another chicken would do, so they understand that kind of communication.

If that doesn't work after a couple applications, I hold them down to the ground with my hand on their back until they submit....again firmly enough to get the job done but not hurt them....add a few finger pecks and/or tug on the feathers on the back of their neck.


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