Peculiar Duckling can’t walk...but only outside


Aug 16, 2019
Hi All,

This is my first post and I’m DESPERATE for some help. I’m currently trying to move 7 week old ducklings outside. Last week I had 3, but on our first adventure outside one drown despite only having max three inches of water in their kiddie pool. Another was acting very effected (drunk like, unable to balance, on its back a lot) but was fine after about 5 minutes back inside. I figured that one had just got a little water logged. All of them had always done well swimming in the bath tub and I was baffled that we lost one to such shallow water but figured maybe it was because the water had been fresh from the hose and cold unlike their bath water. So today we try round two outside. I empty all pools and just leave their normal drinking bowl out. It’s a shallow Tupperware dish that’s just a smidge too small for them to get their bodies into, though that doesn’t stop them from trying. After about an hour this same duck is pulling his drunk antics. I panic and scoop them both back into their tub. The effected duck is totally dry and has no visible injury. They’re separated from the adult ducks so there’s no way it could have been attacked or anything like that. By the time we’re back in their room (a minute tops) this duck is fine. I have no clue what is causing him to lose his balance and ability to walk outside! Please help
Did you fill the drinking water using the same hose as you filled the swimming water the day before?

It sounds like some sort of toxicity. It could be mold. It could be pesticides or something on the ground. It could be a plant they are eating outdoors.

Is the one doing better now that it's inside? If needed a charcoal flush could potentially help. It's kinda a last resort, but the quicker it's done the more effective it would be if it is actually toxicity.
I hadn’t thought of that! The water was from the kitchen sink instead of the hose this time, but it was colder than they’re use to since I usually water them from their pitcher mixed with some yellow powder the guy at tractor supply said they needed. Antibiotics maybe? But either way that water is room temp. We will try again in a few days with room temp water! It was also pretty hot outside today. 90+. They had shade but could the heat have effected them?
Something I just thought of, is there anything about the adult ducks that could be toxic to the babies? Like puppies and parvo but for ducklings. It’s been a few days and the peculiar one is doing just fine inside but they’re getting SO big and I’m SO nervous to try moving them outside again

Did you fill the drinking water using the same hose as you filled the swimming water the day before?

It sounds like some sort of toxicity. It could be mold. It could be pesticides or something on the ground. It could be a plant they are eating outdoors.

Is the one doing better now that it's inside? If needed a charcoal flush could potentially help. It's kinda a last resort, but the quicker it's done the more effective it would be if it is actually toxicity.
Can you explain your outside set up or post pics? their are things that can be toxic to ducklings and ducks so it maybe a good idea to have a good look around at where your going to have them. Fumes from something? plants? stagnant water. Metal.

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