Peep, peep, peep, cluck? Get that?

Doh, now no one is going to get my bicycle joke... not that anyone would have either way. :)

Welcome again... you're gonna have to share those bird names, kids always come up with the best ones!
Sam (Samantha), Veronica, and the oldest boy (14) suggested Fingers and McNugget. He's a bit more on the practical side I guess.
Doh, now no one is going to get my bicycle joke... not that anyone would have either way. :)

Welcome again... you're gonna have to share those bird names, kids always come up with the best ones!
Here ya go! Pitts.jpg
Greetings! Heard about BYC years ago listening to various podcasts as I began my quest to learn some chicken lore.
We know that we'd be moving the end of 2017 and wherever it was, I wanted some fresh eggs. We ended up north of Spokane, WA on just over an acre. I built a coop and am in the process of finishing up the run.
We took delivery two days ago of a box of chicks! I wanted to order 12 but the min was 15 and there were 20 in the box! My coop is about 60 sq/ft and the run approx 400 sq/ft.... so I may end up letting a few go if they all do well and continue to be hens :)
Breeds are: Buff Orpinton, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Barred Plymouth Rock, Light Brahma, and a few Easter Eggers. The chicks are doing great so far with only one showing a bit o "paste". The kids are loving it, especially my 8 yr old daughter and 13 yr old son. I tried to delay it but some have names already.
I'm a big fan of forums and have gotten huge benefits from others and know this is the best chicken knowledge depository around and for that I'm very grateful. I've learned a lot browsing. It's great to be here and hopefully some day I can contribute as well.
Hiya nice to meet you!

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