Peepers!??!?!?!?!?OMG PLZ SAY IT ISNT SO!!! lots of cute pics :D

I think pullet. You should see the amazing pointed feathers around my EEs pullets necks. Look totally like rooster hackles but a different texture. My EE rooster also strutted early on and has a very high stepping, erect walk.
I am gonna say hen! I actually have several that look just like yours!!!!

I have had so many EE boys that I am getting really good on the genders. I picked one out at 3 weeks old! And yes I am right (sadly because he will have to go I have too many roos.)
i believe that is a girl, the feather pattern makes it look like it has pointed feathers and my pure ameraucanas puff up their hacklefeathers at each other all the time. the comb looks small and very pink no red, the only thing to worry about is the tail feathers. there is a slight curve but mine have a curve also.i would wait for an egg or a crow.
I'm gonna say pullet. She doesn't have pointed hackle or saddle feathers, and her comb isn't as big as a roo's would be at that age. Crossing my fingers that peepers is a pullet
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