Peeps Against Twilight club

Hated it.

Let's teach teenage girls that stalking equals love and being rude and stuck up will win you tons of friends. Also, it's okay to be shallow if you are pretty. And don't even get me started on the pedophilia overtones. The whole thing is just creepy as hell, and not in the good way that a vampire story should be.

And someone needs to take Meyer's thesaurus away and whack her upside the head with a dictionary a few times. It's nice that you use big words and all, but for the love of Dracula, would you PLEASE use them correctly?

I only made it about halfway through the first one before getting sick of it. If I wanted to deal with the whiny emo fantasies of an angsty woman with an emotional age of thirteen and a poor grasp of the English language, I'd unblock my cousin's email address.

Normally I feel like I have to finish a book I start, for no reason other than I want to know that it ends. I've been reading the Wheel of Time series for years just for that reason. I even eventually went back and finished 'Congo'.

I threw my copy of Twilight in the garbage.

I leave you with this:

I'd like to join the club. People are always telling me the books are "clean" because they don't violate any of the actual 10 commandments. Well, the 7th one in particular. But I don't think it's such a good idea for teenage girls to expect a boy to just hang out in their room while they sleep and nothing go wrong. I haven't read the books but I did see the first movie because a vendor paid for our office to go.
I agree. These teens are becoming obsessed over an albino vampire that sparkles for God's sake

I believe its a bad influence and its making these young girls think "omg I need someone to love me."

Give me a break...
Harry Potter was supposted to be clean too.

Some girls at my brother's school said he looked like Edward and he gaged.

*Edited due to rant*
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I agree. These teens are becoming obsessed over an albino vampire that sparkles for God's sake

I believe its a bad influence and its making these young girls think "omg I need someone to love me."

Give me a break...

Oi!!! careful who you point fingers at!!! I consider myself a teenager, but would rather rub my face in my chicken's poo than read that series again...
Since when do vampires SPARKLE??? it's seriously overrated at my school, people quoting twilight everywhere...someone said a teacher looked like Jasper the other day...
Am a bit smarter than the average teen if that's what most people think...

Sorry, major rant. Back after I show the chickens the delight of ripping up a thick book about how beautiful a vampire is...double meaning on "thick" intentional.

*edited to add* When can I sign up???
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