peeps new home! adventure journal.

Do you have any other ducks? If not, you should never keep only one duck. They are flock animals, and if you cannot be with them pretty much 24/7, they will get lonely and depressed. Try to get another female, or male if you want a pair, to keep her company.
today peeps and i went for a walk and it was funn. she ate peas for doing such a good job. we also went outside and played for a little then came the misquitos so we went in. shes in her coop taken a rest from all the excitment. i can hear her in there quackin up a storm cause of the dogs lol there friends. she was inside alittle today but she is nervous so she has diareah she was quite all last night and this morning to. shes a lover and loves her stuff animal. she currently has no friends but me and my mother she is a spoiled little girl. i signed her up for 4-h today and they seemed to like her to. her first show is somtime soon. but i gotta go so i can play with her by yall.
sounds like she's in a nice, loving home. Ask nettie if you can get a walking harness so then you can walk Peep safely.
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