Peggy + clipped wings: penned or not?

new 2 pfowl

Jan 13, 2012
Dunedin, NZ
You peapeople must be getting very tired of hearing about Peggy and his misadventures.
Thank you all for your patience.

Now that I have him home with clipped wings, I wonder if it would be best to keep him penned or to just let him out to free range with his pals? I do realize that being out would make him more vulnerable to predators. I did read the threads about wing clipping, and see that it is generally not recommended for free ranging peas. We just don't really have a penned peacock frame of mind or setup here, and poor Peggy is used to being a "free bird."

Here are some pics of his clipped wings:

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I lost one to a coyote at the last place we lived because I had clipped his wings. Here we have a coyote proof fence, so it's not an issue unless they jump over, which one did once... That's the one that got lost that I had to go searching for.

If I were you, I'd keep Peggy penned until his feather grow back.
My 2 cents ... If and when I clip wings I only clip one side as if both sides are the same just shorter, the birds still can fly some and still get a boost when they jump. I had a bird once that someone had pinioned him and he had to roost low .. the feral dogs or coyote got him one night and I had a chain link fence around the 6 ac. The bird will not get his wing feathers back until they moult . I have seen coyotes clear a 4 ft chain link and catch a bird while he was running through and clear the other side of the fence and not miss a step, all of the time I was standing there watching him, and he was fast.
There is never a time when i would not like to hear about a pea adventure so don't you worry about that.
I too would keep poor peggy penned till he gets his wings back, can't believe someone did that he was only gone what a few days? but the fact is none seems to tried to find his home first.
Thank you all for your invaluable advice.
I am also inclined to keep him penned until the feathers grow back.
Although I hope this isn't going to take too long...
Can anyone give me a clue about how long it will take for Peggy's feathers to grow in?
Yikes! I have been suddenly thrust into the world of peapen building.
I can't build anything permanent here, so I'm trying to figure out exactly how long-lasting a structure I need to assemble...

By the way, here's my starting structure: 12 x 12 chain link dog kennel.
I'm trying to figure out what to cover it with (can't use net because the other peas will definitely be jumping on top), and would welcome any suggestions.

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The feathers will come back when they moult ,, sometime this fall July,,, aug... I have a number of pens like you show and many have netting on them and is really no trouble with birds on the net,, not to say it will not happen., I tried tarps ...waste of money, went with 4x4 and heavy ga. metal roofing on a lot of them... connerhills
I am not a pro on wing clipping but I thought that just the flights get clipped, looks like they went over board. I know that you did not do this.

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