Peggy Sue is Suddenly Not Doing Well


In the Brooder
Feb 3, 2019
Hi there,
Our hen Peggy Sue was attacked by a raccoon a month ago. She had a terrible wound, but it was healing nicely, she was eating well, talking (loves my husband) active and we were almost certain she was going to make it. Two days ago she started pulling out her feathers, not eating well at all, looks pale and has yellow diarrhea. She also has a light amount of amber drainage from the wound, which has started scanning over. She has had a series of Clavamox (in the beginning,) we were treating her wound with Triple Antibiotic and Aquaphor and Wound Kote, twice daily. We are now using Vetericyn Utility Spray and Vetercyn Antimicrobial Hydrogel 3 times per day. She had even gotten to where she was giving us a hard time at treatment time, but now she does not look well and is not moving much, not talking or eating well. The first pic is the day after she was injured, the second is today and the third is how pitiful she looks. (BTW, no vet in our area takes care of chickens, ducks or geese.)
Any advice will be greatly appreciated! We really do love our little sweetheart with a stout heart!


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Sorry about your hen going down hill. Do the wounds seem like it is getting infected with a bad odor or pus? What are her droppings like? Pictures can help. Is her crop filling up during the day, and emptying by the next morning? A crop disorder or yeast infection might make her feel bad. Where is she pulling her feathers out? Has she started to molt after her attack? Have you tried giving some probiotics after she was on antibiotics? I think that clavamox is a really strong antibiotic, and amoxicillin may be a little more gentle on their systems. Antibiotics may not be needed if she is not having a wound infection, and could add to a crop yeast infection.

Has she had any visits or visitors from her flock? Having one nearby where she could seem them might perk her up. What is her diet? A balanced chicken feed with a little egg or tuna is good. I vary egg, tuna, with a little ground meat or canned cat food, but keep the chicken feed as 90% of the diet, and moisten it.

I think if her wounds seem clean, then you might be able to ease up on wound care, maybe just using one or two of the mildest products daily. Can she walk around and peck at things? Does she get outside? Just some suggestions that might help. Sometimes predators cause internal injuries that may show up later, but I hope that she makes it.
Thanks so much for your responses!
Sorry about your hen going down hill. Do the wounds seem like it is getting infected with a bad odor or pus? What are her droppings like? Pictures can help. Is her crop filling up during the day, and emptying by the next morning? A crop disorder or yeast infection might make her feel bad. Where is she pulling her feathers out? Has she started to molt after her attack? Have you tried giving some probiotics after she was on antibiotics? I think that clavamox is a really strong antibiotic, and amoxicillin may be a little more gentle on their systems. Antibiotics may not be needed if she is not having a wound infection, and could add to a crop yeast infection.

Has she had any visits or visitors from her flock? Having one nearby where she could seem them might perk her up. What is her diet? A balanced chicken feed with a little egg or tuna is good. I vary egg, tuna, with a little ground meat or canned cat food, but keep the chicken feed as 90% of the diet, and moisten it.

I think if her wounds seem clean, then you might be able to ease up on wound care, maybe just using one or two of the mildest products daily. Can she walk around and peck at things? Does she get outside? Just some suggestions that might help. Sometimes predators cause internal injuries that may show up later, but I hope that she makes it.
No bad odor or pus, but there is a bit of amber colored fluid draining, just a small amount. Her droppings were great until Tuesday, and they’ve been watery and yellow ever since. I’ve tried to get her to eat some yogurt for probiotics, but she was not impressed. Her diet is a quality hen feed and hen scratch, supplemented with cucumbers and a bit of greens-was trying to keep her hydrated and she does like both a lot! Should I stop that? She’s also gotten egg each week as well. I will check her crop today but she is not eating like she was two days ago. Yeast could certainly make sense…any suggestions for a rapid treatment? We have no vets around the area who will work with chickens, my own vet hasn’t been helpful so we’re kind of on our own…I just happened to have unopened clavimox in the beginning.

Peggy Sue is in the house in an enclosure we made with a variable dog playpen, that we’ve shaped into run style. It’s 3.5 feet wide and around 7 feet in length. We were using pine shavings but became concerned as they (and straw) tried to attach to her wound site, so we’ve been using incontinence pads that we change frequently to keep it as clean as possible. Unfortunately there’s not much to peck, other than her scratch/feed. We tried taking her outside with the same setup, but we became alarmed by the flies, (there are lots here this time of year.) I have been thinking perhaps I should bring a bird or two in to visit her…we’ll do that today as well. I had hoped to put an apron on her, but I don’t feel that there would be adequate wound coverage to prevent pecking or flies. Finally, it seems she’s mainly pulling them out near the wound. It seemed like a normal preening behavior, but there seem to be so many feathers! Perhaps it’s just the fact that they’re concentrated in one very white area!

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