Pekin Duck Club!

I am new to BYC and fairly new to owning Ducks we have 3 Pekins and as of now have no idea the sex of them, We suspect the oldest one is a female from what we have read but have no idea of the two others. All our babies have just gotten big enough to have a permanent home outside. We started out with 2 Pekin ducks and they were definitely bonded to us and were our babies. We lost one of them due to an attack by the neighbors dog and our neighbor showed up one day with two 2 day old ducks.Feisty is definitely my baby but since the smaller ducks came along she would rather be with them than around us. The two younger ones Yogi & Boo Boo have not bonded with us at all! Yogi does ok if you separate him from the other ducks eventually calms down after a while. Boo Boo acts scared to death and goes into defense mode if you come near him without food, if you try to pet him or pick him up he bites.

I would love for them to be more bonded to us like the first one is or use to be but at this point i am not sure if there is any hope of that.

My babies love Peas for sure and the big one loves grapes & bananas, I haven't found anything else they really like as of yet but definitely open to suggestions.

We let them free range when we are home and we put them in a pen when we are gone and at night they have their coop. it is all still a construction site but liveable with all the rain we have been having work has pretty much stopped the past week. On the coop we still have the shingle the roof and add all the trim work and my I think we are going to add a couple small vents for better ventilation and some painting to finish up. I am going to take out the dog house now that the coop is done and they have access to it. We plan to cage in the bottom area underneath the coop so they can have shade without having to go into the coop. We plan to deck in their small pool and add drainage pipe to it. We are also trying to decide on if we should add a top to the cage. And the biggest question of all what to do on the ground because it is turning into a mud hole and they love to play in the mud.

These pictures are a little older but it is all I have on the PC so far.

This is my baby Feisty she is about 10 weeks old

The smaller two are Yogi & Boo Boo they are now 8 weeks old
until i interact with them I have a hard time telling them apart ( which i could come up with some way to easier distinguish them)

This is how their pen started out a couple weeks ago

As you can see it is still a construction site and needs alot of finish work (it it will ever stop raining) but it is liveable for the moment
I dont have pictures of the inside yet but the left side is open in the bottom with heavy wire as the flooring this is where their food and water and the right side back has 6 divided off nesting boxes(which they probably will never use) then there is a big open spot at the front which has a door that allows access into the pen. The whole right side opens up as a door to allow for cleaning (which has proven to be a difficult task) and the little small long door opens up into the nesting boxes to allow for easier egg access, and their is a small door to the left to allow easy access to the food area.

Sorry about the long post but just wanted to show you guys what I had going and would love any feedback or suggestions because me and my husband are just reading what we can and figuring things out as we go.
Pekin Duck Club Members List:

Hello I have 5pekings and am new too ducks they are about five months old and I enjoy them and would like to join your club




Please let me know if you would like to be added or removed! Thanks :)

Hello all duck owners,

I have two pekin ducks a male and female, ping and pong are their names. I have had them for about one month and one week, they seem to be happy but I have noticed that they go through water like crazy I replace the water dish about three times a day. What I am really concern about is that their poop is very runny is there anything I need to do to about this? Please help

A first time duck owner

ty for replying to my post
I've been told by some people that duck eggs taste the same as hens, now I've been told it didn't taste good. What's the sense?
I haven't had the privilege of trying to taste-test the two, yet. But from what I understand, duck eggs are fabulous for baking, and chefs actually prefer them to bake with, because they improve the quality of the baked goods that use eggs. Can't wait to find out, myself!
Hello all duck owners,

I have two pekin ducks a male and female, ping and pong are their names. I have had them for about one month and one week, they seem to be happy but I have noticed that they go through water like crazy I replace the water dish about three times a day. What I am really concern about is that their poop is very runny is there anything I need to do to about this? Please help

A first time duck owner

ty for replying to my post

Ducks do go through a lot of water and yep, their poop is runny! Doesn't sound like you have any problems, just an owner of some ducks. :)
So... I thought I might ask here since the boy in talk is a Pekin.

We have a male Pekin going on 6 weeks and a female Khaki who is going on 9 weeks. Would these two work okay living together or will the Pekin be too hormonal? My mother was worried about him trying to mate Ducky too much and her being so much smaller, getting hurt, ect. Should we think about adding another female to the group? (We really only wanted the small group though as we have 2 chickens and 2 ducks but are worried about Ducky).
So... I thought I might ask here since the boy in talk is a Pekin.

We have a male Pekin going on 6 weeks and a female Khaki who is going on 9 weeks. Would these two work okay living together or will the Pekin be too hormonal? My mother was worried about him trying to mate Ducky too much and her being so much smaller, getting hurt, ect. Should we think about adding another female to the group? (We really only wanted the small group though as we have 2 chickens and 2 ducks but are worried about Ducky).

I decided to have one drake for my 3 girls. But, I've heard other people fare okay with just a couple. The important thing is to not have too many males in ratio to females - I think it makes them worse when they are competing for the girls. A friend on here had one of her ducks drown due to a couple males constantly mating her in the pool.
Metzer Farms does state that if you have under 10 ducks, you can do pairs and really the ratio comes into play when you have a large flock. So, you might just wait and see how they do?? If he seems to be mating her too much and she acts stressed - which will also affect her egg-laying, then you should definitely add another girl.

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