Pekin Duck Club!

Got my first Peking girls last weekend! Chatty and Kathy. Love them! So much fun to watch and they never stop talking!
Yes she has been there for many years with "Mama" and white goose that died in my arms weeks ago and she has been swimming with the other ducks but they can all fly away and she can't. She used to come up when Mama would protect her but now she is afraid to come out of the water but she will come to me when i call her. It has been her home for so long I am not sure I should try to move her but she needs another domestic that can't fly away. Maybe if they bond they could both be moved? I don't know. I have lots of video if you want to see it!
Do you have any water fowl rescues in your area. They may come and get her, she really needs to be with other domestics where she will be safe and protected. Or post on your state thread someone might come and help you get her and they will take her home.
Daisy is a Runner too right? first time broody. How long has she been sitting on them? you can candle after 5-7 days.Mark the eggs that don't look like they are growing then candle again on day 12-14 and toss any that are clear or haven't any veining.@taz20101

Yes daisy is a runner to her and my drake are both white with orange beaks and legs .
This is the first time broody and she started sitting on them yesterday she's been on them all day today only been off them for about a hour in total.
I felt the eggs first thing yesterday morning when I let them out and they were warm
Do I have to separate the drakes from the girls now she sitting on them ???
Also is it to cold out side to let her hatch them??
We are building them a new shed that's warm and dry as I live close to the sea.can I move there bed and nest into there new shed??? Or shall I wait ???
Thank u for getting back to me x
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Yes daisy is a runner to her and my drake are both white with orange beaks and legs .
This is the first time broody and she started sitting on them yesterday she's been on them all day today only been off them for about a hour in total.
I felt the eggs first thing yesterday morning when I let them out and they were warm
Do I have to separate the drakes from the girls now she sitting on them ???
Also is it to cold out side to leg her hatch them??
Thank u for getting back to me

Well if she keeps getting off of them everyday they won't hatch especially if it's for a hour
She only gets off to get drink and something to eat shes not stay of them for long
She laid one everyday and never sat on them.

She should do just fine, that's what broodies do, they have to eat and drink sometime, as long as she covers them up when she gets off they'll be fine. :thumbsup I had a broody pekin, she got off for about 30 to 45 minutes everyday until around day 25 when she hunkered down and got ready for hatch.
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She should do just fine, that's what broodies do, they have to eat and drink sometime, as long as she covers them up when she gets off they'll be fine. :thumbsup I had a broody pekin, she got off for about 30 to 45 minutes everyday until around day 25 when she hunkered down and got ready for hatch.

So what do I do from now make sure she's staying on them and candle in a few days see if there's veins in them??
The eggs have been laid daily and she hasn't been covering them up bit confused sorry....
So what do I do from now make sure she's staying on them and candle in a few days see if there's veins in them??
The eggs have been laid daily and she hasn't been covering them up bit confused sorry....

Ok so while she's collecting eggs she'll lay one a day until she gets a good clutch, she won't sit on them during that time so that she doesn't have any early hatchers, now when she gets a big enough clutch she'll start the incubation process and she will get off once or twice a day but that's about it and when she gets off she'll cover them with feathers or what ever other materials she made the nest out of.

When you candle I wouldn't pull any before day 14
@taz20101 This what I have always done and the reason why , I make sure my broody is separated from the rest of the flock with some kind of temp fencing that way when hatch starts mom and babies are safe. Some have said drakes will kill ducklings and we never know how even out females will react so I just err on the side of caution and keep everyone separated but where they can all see the mom and her ducklings. This also keeps the rest of the flock from eating up their food too. I'd keep them separated for at least a week min and 2-3 max that way ducklings have gotten stronger and can stay away from any potential meanie, So why not keep her where she is and move every one else it sure would be easier. lol

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