Pekin Duck Club!

Ok,quick question. Can Pekin ducks eat boxelder bugs? the church right by my house always has a bunch of them in spring and summer and I'm wondering if they would be an appropriate snack for them
I don't eat Only the eggs.
Yep!! I usually just sprinkle it on top of their food however there is a lot of loss with that.
I couldn't find brewer's yeast but found some Bragg's nutritional yeast and it has niacin and other B vitamins. Just not sure of how much to give em I just put it on plate or sprinkle it on their food but don't know if they're getting enough or too much...How would I know?
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I'm trying to find some more females. I really don't have a way to catch them as they have free run of the pond area. I feel bad. I never would have bought all 9 if I'd known there were that many males. I'll do all I can to even out the ratio. Somebody told me I could even mix another breed with them.

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