Pekin Duck Club!

I'll upload some pics of the eggs i think are from the ducks tomorrow :)
Sounds good!...

Here are a couple more that I happen to have....

duck eggs on the left from just started layin' ducks compared to chicken eggs in the bator...

don't pay attention to the eggs

duck eggs and a chicken egg in the bottom right

I can't believe I don't have pics of duck eggs and chicken eggs on the counter or something....
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Hi I would like to be added. I have two Peking Ducks. They are 5 months old and are my first ducks. I just love them I call them my quackers. The male is Ritz and the female is Tid bit.
Just wanted to say that it's interesting how my little Abbey-Beak only "quacks" when she's agitated. All the rest of the time she squeaks and squeals so sweet and beautifully. Just the happiest little sounds coming from that big-little birdie. Lol then she gets upset and out comes that loud "QUACK!" or even "BAGOK!" We call her "Bagok" a lot of the time because when she has bad moments that is all she seems to say. Funny to observe her throughout the day and hear all of her happy little sounds and then realize they're coming from a duck and then wonder what other people would think if they could observe her while holding that preconception that ducks only "quack." My little boy, Bo Khan still makes his little boy laryngitis-type sounds. I imagine his drake vocals will come in in another month or so. My last boy didn't get his until 4 1/2 months old but was also the runt of the brood and I think he developed much slower than a male Pekin should have. Abbey-Beak and Bo Khan are Jumbos so maybe will develop a but quicker? That I am not sure of.
eggs eggs and more eggs!!! they are so big they dont fit into containers anymore so they just sit in a basket hahaha
my geese have yet to bless me with their first egg but cant wait to see how big that is!
pictures of the eggs:

sorry if you can't understand that :p

info on the ducks:
they were a gift so i think they are pekins
not sure how old they are
their quack still sounds like a beep
i am not completely sure those are duck eggs up there
i haven't heard the female duck egg song but their house is across the road from our house so it could be impossible to hear from here...
picture of the ducks:

male in back female at front :) their names are Ducky and Picky... the girl is Picky and male is Ducky :p

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