Pekin Duck Club!

Less than a month ago I bought my first baby chicks and 4 Peking ducklings..Today..I have 6 Peking..4 Rouen..2 Khaki Campbell..& 62 chicks. I really enjoy watching the ducks...puts lots of smiles on my face!.
The One duck was a rescue from the side of the road. The 2 Pekins I got from TSC and have had them for most of their live (all of 3 weeks). My Pekins are happy and well, so I don't want to upset them or get them sick. What type of Duck do you think it is?
Sure looks like a black swedish to me.

Set it up with an unbreakable mirror and a stuffed toy with no little pieces that could get pulled of and swallowed. And of course water and food and warmth, and bedding, all that. There are many happy Pekin-Swedish flocks. You just need to take your time, if you can get a fecal sample to a vet to check for parasites that would be good.

But keeping the new little separate for a few weeks, watching closely, things will probably work out pretty well.

It's a cutie.

Our little female, Kevin. She is 5 wks old & so sweet :)!

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