Pekin Duck Club!

We have 4 pekins about 6 mos old, 2 females and 2 drakes. We live in a suburban neighborhood. My neighbors are not very happy that we have ducks. At times, the females get very loud, especially when they bob their heads up and down and chase the drakes. I think they must be flirting. We are thinking of finding a new home for the boys in the hopes that the girls will quiet down a little. Do you think that will help? I understand they will still make some noise but maybe it will lessen. We are sad to see the boys go, but are ready to do that if it means that we can keep the girls. Any advice with be so appreciated!
We have 15 ducks in all. The females are loud at times regardless of if there is a bunch of them or a few, with a male or not. As they have aged (over a year+) ours have tended to quieten down some. They are still loud in the morning, when the get fresh water, and when something upsets them. The loudest of my group is my jumbo pekin, blue and black sweeds, and our buff ducks. The runners, rouen, and runner ducks are relatively quiet. For me the thing to keep in mind is that ducks are just like us in that some are quiet and some are not. No matter what the breed there will always be one that defies convention and will talk her head off or be super quiet. If you want some yummy delicious eggs you are going to have to deal with a bit of noise. You can always sweeten up your neighbors by offering them some eggs too!
I check everyone's feet every week. No bumble foot. I don't know how he would have gotten anything toxic. I brought him in for a warm soak in the tub today. Everything else seems normal. He is with another Pekin (his girlfriend). I have 3 other ducks and 6 chickens but they are all separated from the pekins. I will check out the article you posted though, thanks! I appreciate any input. I wish I could post the video clip.
Hey y'all! I have a question. I've noticed one of my females chest is very droopy and almost touches the ground (but then again that could be because she's shorter than everyone else). Is it normal for a female to have a droopy chest? My 3 other females also have somewhat of a droopy chest, just not as bad as hers. (The 2nd picture is of Gulliver, the smaller duck who's chest noticeably drags, & another female)

Hi there! My girl looks like that before bed time, but by the time she wakes up---it has gone down significantly. Does yours over eat?

Hello! No, she doesn't over eat & I've noticed that its down significantly in the morning too. Thanks for the info, it makes me feel better to know that I'm not the only one who's ducks have this too :)
When I am really in the swing, I make duck egg custard - I modify the recipe to have very little sweetener in it. So it's eggs and milk and a dash of vanilla, with perhaps some ground nutmeg on top. It makes excellent quick breakfast or afternoon snack. I make it in little ramekins and stack them with flat plastic lids (the kind that come on yogurt quarts and plastic tubs of spreads, that kind of thing), so they don't take up too much acreage in the frij.

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